Is your system reporting an error can’t connect to local server on port number 57573? If the error keeps on occurring, then, you aren’t the only one facing it. It emerges as a common error that indicates the connectivity and compatibility issues that users face while trying reaching to the local server. If you need to reach the private server through localhost, you must have some crucial development and testing tasks. In case this error is becoming a hurdle stopping you from completing your work, this entire write-up will address various important factors associated with it. Let’s dive into its causes and ultimate solutions. 

    Compatibility issue occurs with

    Resolving the error often seems to be a hard nut to crack for many users. Because its fixing requires a complex procedure that has to be performed with utmost care. But before we talk about its solutions, it is important to go to its bottom to understand the causes. Indeed, failing to reach to local machine to fulfill testing requirements can drive you up the wall. But you need to understand that it comes into play when the OS reports some connectivity issues between the browser and Selenium tool. 

    Let’s break the problem down into two parts – Localhost ( and port number (57573). Localhost is your current computer that you are using to accomplish various tasks. On the other hand, the port number is like a doorway for data to communicate. 

    When the localhost is inaccessible on port number 57573, it might be the case that the current port is being used by another application. That’s why it is showing this error. In this case, you can consider using another port number that is not used by other applications. Talking about another scenario of the story, your firewall might have blocked the port to be used to reach the localhost. Below you can check more causes that stopping you from reaching the local server of your device.

    Potential Causes with

    • Using the web server with the wrong port is one of the major causes of connection errors, with It is high time that you choose the right and vacant port number to access localhost on your browser.
    • Ensure that the current port is not used by other applications. Otherwise, it will show not reaching server error.
    • Third thing that needs to be kept in your mind is that the server application is working fine. If the servers are not active or working well, you won’t connect with the localhost. To check the server, go to the task manager on your system. Now, find Apache 2 and ensure that the server is found in the list of running applications.
    • Recheck the firewall settings. Ensure that it has not blocked any settings that allow port number 57573 used by the current application to execute things on a local server. Open the firewall settings on your computer. Go to the advanced troubleshooting. There, you will find some strategies to fix the error.
    • Web server applications may not be configured well. So, uninstall and reinstall it again, applying the accurate settings.

    Check Out the Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques for

    In the advanced troubleshooting techniques, we are going to change the port number in web server application(Apache). Once the preferences are changed, it might resolve the current error.

    • Close or stop your web server application in case it is working to resolve
    • Follow this, openhttpd.conf” file in WAMP or XAMPP.
    • Now, you need to find out the “Listen 80 and Server Name localhost:80.” once you find it, ensure your Apache or XAMPP is enabled to use port number 80.
    • Now, switch from port number 80 to port number 8080. It will keep the conflicts in control between applications running on the system.
    • Subsequently, you will have to save the “httpd.conf” file.
    • Again, relaunch your Apache or XAMP server. For this, access the control panel of your system. 
    • Last but not least, in case something goes wrong. 
    • If the WAMP is closed without stopping its services, there might be some errors that disappoint you. So, launch the Task Manager of your system and ensure that there is no WAMP running before you launch it again.

    How to Restart LXSSManager Service for WSL?

    In this section, we are going to restart the LXSS Manager Service to resolve issues with WSL. To do so, use the shortcut keys window key +R to open the run box. It will take your to you to the run dialog box immediately. In the text box, enter SERVICES.MSC and press enter. Afterward, you will be able to see running applications on the device. From the given list, find LXSSMANAGER. Now, you need to restart this service LXSS Manager. So, just right-click on it and then choose ‘Restart’ option from the given options. Restarting this service will be helpful in debugging services and issues prevalent with WSL. To ensure the smooth working of your web server, be mindful while following these given troubleshooting steps. 

    Successfully Accessing Localhost with port number 

    This is the final part of your process. Please follow the steps as mentioned. Type LOCALHOST and the port number separated by the colon(:) in the browser. The step is mandatory to follow to access the localhost. If you have changed the server port from 80 to 8080, use the Apache web server on XAMP. Enter LOCALHOST:8080. The step is crucial if various applications running on the device are using different port numbers.


    Got rid of If not, ensure getting in touch with the technical support team to address this issue meticulously. They will provide you with highly reliable solutions. Also, ensure one thing that you follow all these given steps or processes with proper attention to every detail.