The 21st Century is all about development. Development in the field of technology and education. What if technology and education is mixed up in partnership? Well, nowadays every other Educational Institute has introduced their own site and online portal. Similar is the case of Chandigarh University, CU introduced CUIMS back in the early days. The portal is quite helpful for the students and faculty members as well in the long run. Here, in this article we dive deep to know more about the University portal, its access procedure, features, services and more information. 

    Know About CUIMS

    The term CUIMS is used here to refer to the Chandigarh University Information Management System. It is an online portal of Chandigarh University which helps its students and staff to access the required information by logging into the portal. There is no need to run to the university several times to get some knowledge. Everything from exam date tables to results can be found on the portal. Apart from the students, it also facilitates the work of the faculty in many ways, such as online record keeping and progress books.

    The Key Characteristics

    Now comes, the major part of an article. The key features which helps the users to evaluate any platform online or offline without any further discussion. So, mentioned below are a few of the key characteristics of the CUIMS education platform. 

    • Saves time: by registering in the portal, both students and teachers can save a lot of time. It helps organize future tasks and provide necessary information about priorities and completing projects on time.
    • Study Material: The portal gives students access to the resources they need. Each and every study material available on the LMS is provided by the faculty members only. Students can access all resources on one platform.
    • Flexible in nature: Information and resources can be accessed at any time at any distance. It puts teachers and students at their fingertips
    • Growth: By keeping track of their (both teacher and student) performance, they can achieve their intended goals and grow exponentially in their courses.
    • Secure: The portal takes care of your privacy concerns and does not share your information with random admin panels.
    • Availability: Unlike offline windows, this portal is open to students at any time and does not require breaks or vacation days. 

    Get Set Go!!!

    Now, that one knows the features of the University portal. Let’s move forward to understand the registration and login procedure of the same.  


    To have an entry to the platform, one first needs to be a member of the University.  Therefore, they need to get admission in the Chandigarh University. The process to do so is: 

    • From an Internet connected device, visit the official CU site
    • Once the dashboard appears on the screen, one can easily find the Registration or Admission form
    • Fill in the Admission form with correct information
    • Soon the student will receive a Brochure with all the required details alongside the examination date. Well one needs to pay an Amount to receive the Brochure 
    • One needs to give the entrance CUCET Test. Well, this test also gives a scholarship opportunity to students. 
    • Soon the student will be a registered CUians. 

    Note: Moreover, the scholarship does not exist for the whole graduation or post graduation period. The students need to maintain a certain CGPA score for the whole period in order to take advantage of the Scholarship. 


    Once registration is complete, the university itself will provide you with the information needed to log in to the portal. Such as UserName and Password.  Using those information one can easily logging into the platform:

    • With the help of an internet connected device, Open any browser of your choice.
    • Go to the address bar and search for CUIMS. Find the official site
    • Once the site is opened, one needs to navigate to the category they want to access. For example, if you are a student, click on the student login category.
    • Click the login icon .Enter your details with your username/UID (University ID), password and provided cap.
    • After successful login, you can access selected resources and information.

    Reset the Password

    There are so many things to remember, so many websites to access, and so many projects. So in such a case, it is quite normal that sometimes you forget some of your passwords. Don’t worry, restoring the university portal will be done for you in simple steps:

    • When you open the website and reach the login page, do you find a forgotten password? icon on the page.
    • Now click on the text You will be presented with a page where you have to enter some of your information to restore. 
    • It will ask for your username and date of birth and then the email address given to the university, whether to send a recovery link
    • Fill in the data and you will receive a password reset link in your email.
    • You can use the given link to reset your password

    The CUIMS Categories

    When trying to login into the university portal, one can spot varios login options. So, given below are the information about all those login options: 

    • Student Login: Categorized specifically according to student preferences. By logging into this section with their username and password, students will see progress reports with their information.
    • LMS Login: This section allows teachers and students to log in where they can share learning materials and other resources. It creates a bridge between students and faculty.Staff Login: Here staff working at the university can track and measure their progress to compete against their goals.
    • Faculty Login: This provides information about admissions-related services and is specifically intended for University admissions staff only. 

    Services Available

    Once the student has logged in into the portal they can spot various options on the left hand side corner. Click on any of the options to avail the benefits mentioned. Well, the services one can spot on the portal are: 

    Services AvailableDescription
    My Date SheetUnder the My date sheet tab, one can easily find the examination date sheet. This date sheet contains all the information from Exam timings to block numbers. Even if the exam is said to be held online, the datesheet contains login username and password as well. Moreover one can find the Mid semester exam and final datesheet under one tab. 
    Student Marks ViewsThe Student Marks Views showcase the assignment and final paper marks under one tab. One can easily checkout the number they were able to score on the basis of the assignment submitted. This is quite helpful for the students to learn about their academic progression. 
    My TimetableThe Timetable section contains the daily timetable of classes. Along with room numbers and timing the class is to be held. One can check the timetable at any time of the day without any hurry. 
    My ProfileThe My profile section contains the students’ information. The data they have provided during the registration and admission time. One can keep checking the information and also apply for changes if made any. 

    Why Choose CUIMS? 

    Choosing a University can be your choice. But at the same time the benefits these university portals provide are no less than heaven. So, mentioned are few of the reasons and benefits one can avail from the educational portal; 

    • Assignments: The lecturer can submit assignment information through the portal. It is easier for both parties to access the documents. Students don’t have to run here and there to submit assignments and teachers don’t have to keep pages to keep records, the portal does it for them
    • Attendance Record: Students get help to track their attendance record and can maintain a better record.
    • Evaluation: Their performance can be easily evaluated through the website. The professors can monitor how much effort one has put into their study time. .
    • Exam Diaries: Get all time and date information for your upcoming exams and project proposals through the portal. It is more reliable than other written or oral sources.
    • Feedback and Questions: The Portal receives your comments and accepts your questions to provide you with a better user experience.

    Disclaimer: “The Information regarding CUIMS has been based on our own research. One may visit the official Site of teh University Portal before relying on the shared information. Moreover, the article is for Educational and informational purposes only.” 


    In conclusion, CUIMS is the web based educational platform of Chandigarh University. The university is established in the Gharua region of Mohali. The university has their own website that contains complete information and data a user mainly student or faculty can use. Moreover, the services provided by the site, its features, login procedure and more information has been discussed above.